Saturday, June 28, 2008


In our fourth FOCUS ON HIM devotional, let’s look at God as OUR LEADER. Besides His familiar promises in Psalm 23 to lead us beside still waters and in paths of righteousness, God promised to guide us with peace. “For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace…” Isaiah 55:12. That is one of my favorite promises. I suspect that the still waters are a symbol of the peace that the Prince of Peace puts in our hearts.

If you are confused about which path to take, stand still until you experience peace. Think over the possibilities that lie ahead with each alternative choice. And listen with your heart. The very God of Peace will connect you with His will and lead you in the right path. You can count on it!

One day I was on my way to the grocery for Thanksgiving supplies, and had a sudden urge to go by the library. It made no sense. I didn’t want anything from the library and I had a lot of preparation left for the family dinner. But I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do. I didn’t hear a voice, inner or outer, but I knew that if I didn’t go by the library my heart would be in turmoil. As soon as I made the decision, peace flooded me.
I wandered around the shelves for a few minutes, wondering why I was there, feeling a bit silly.

“Amy, is that you?” A man in his seventies who’d attended some of my Bible studies peered around a corner. After I smiled at him, he continued. “Can I talk to you?” We found two chairs in a quiet corner and he began to tell me that he’d experienced seasonal depression since he was a child. Through tears, he told me that year was the worst ever and he’d even thought about suicide. We talked a while about God’s love for him and then I prayed for him and against depression. We said goodbye and I went on to the grocery.

That was several years ago and he has never experienced seasonal depression again, and in fact is happier year round than ever before.

The Lord led me in a right path in order to minister to that beloved child of His through this part of His Body in the earth. He did it by leading me forth in peace - and I went out with joy!

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them. And they follow me.” John 10:27

Don’t forget to Follow the Leader!